With so much going on around us, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed from time to time. By using Bach® Original Flower Remedies, you can balance your emotions and fulfill your potential in a natural, time-tested way.*

The flower remedies were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath who believed that the key to overall health was to care for the mind as well as the body. He spent his life exploring the use of flowers and plants as a means to promote emotional wellbeing. By 1936 he identified 38 flower essences, each one derived from a different wild flower, plant or tree, and each corresponding to a specific emotion. Dr. Bach organized the flower remedies into seven groups of emotion.

1. Face Your Fears

Manage fears & related emotions while exploring the 5 Bach® flower remedies in the orange Face Your Fears group.

Aspen | Cherry Plum | Mimulus | Red Chestnut | Rock Rose

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2. Know your own mind

Learn more about yourself and try the 6 Bach Original Flower Remedies included in this space. Find a moment of direction!

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3. Live The Day

Be present and live your life to the fullest. Get to know the 7 Bach® remedies in the light green Live the Day group. Embrace today!

Chestnut Bud | Clematis | Honeysuckle | Mustard | Olive | White Chestnut | Wild Rose

Live the day
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4. Reach Out To Others

If you sometimes feel alone in a crowded room — learn more about the 3 Bach® Original Flower Remedies in the purple Reach Out To Others group.

Heather | Impatiens | Water Violet

Reach out to others

5. Stand Your Ground

Don’t be oversensitive to the influences & ideas of others. See how the 4 Bach® flower remedies in the dark green Stand Your Ground group can support you.

Agrimony | Cenatury | Holly | Walnut

Stand your ground
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6. Find Joy & Hope

Get in tune with your emotions & search for positive optimism with the 8 Bach® Original Flower Remedies in the pink Find Joy & Hope group.

Crab Apple | Elm | Larch | Oak | Pine | Star of Bethlehem | Sweet Chestnut | Willow

Find joy & hope

7. Live & Let Live

How do you care for yourself while caring for others? Discover the 5 blue Bach® remedies to support your journey to Live & Let Live.

Beech | Chicory | Rock Water | Vervain | Vine

Live & let live

Learn More About The Basics

The Bach® system was designed to help you gain an understanding of your own emotions, and support you as you find emotional balance through an individual, personalized approach.

Flower remedies may be taken individually, or you can combine them to create a personal blend that works in harmony with your body. Check out how to take Bach flowers.

Bach® is the only maker authorized by The Bach Centre to use Dr. Bach’s signature, and the only flower essences sourced directly from his home in Mount Vernon.

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